Instructions for the March 2021 Spiritual Growth/Care Exercises

Posted on February 28, 2021.

For questions, comments, concerns, or for more information regarding this program or the lessons themselves, please send an email to Norma Link-Boughman at


March 2021 Spiritual Growth/Care sheets for all ages.


The supplies you will need are your Bible, pen, paper, a rock, and a candle to light. This program is set up for small groups to do two section per week. Individuals are encouraged to do these sheets at their own pace also.


*Allow yourself a quiet two minutes to clear your mind. Pray to the Lord to open your heart, soul, and mind to hear what God is revealing to you during in each section of this session. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart when you feel led.


*The Lord’s Prayer


*Lighting of the Candle and Breath Prayer:

Spirit of God, Breathe on me.

Spirit of God, Pour out Your presence on me.

Spirit of God, Speak through Your word to me.



Norma Link-Boughman, Spiritual Growth Coordinator

2021 Tuscarawas District UMW

Mt. Tabor UMC

East Canton, Ohio 44730
